Author: unicornhuntingblog
Alice Hunter is a swing scene adviser, pick up tutor and satire writer. She runs unicornhunting.blog, is author of Unicorns and How to Hunt Them: your guide to scoring threesomes like a boss, and also writes commissioned and collaborative blog posts for other sites.

Sapphic as F*ck – the New London Event for Queer Wxmen

Zara Du Rose interview: ZDR events and how to become a celebrity on the UK party scene

Review of Riposte – The Queer Art Rave

Club V – how to find an LGBT & POC immersive theatre night

How to not get known as a predator

Electrakink: London’s new electric play event – the naked interview

Club Antichrist review: the raw energy of metal

Bite your tongue: How we need to level up our scene ethics right now

How to be a great party partner as a man
Protected: Societe Noir: How to join a community for queer women of colour