Why do you need a Swinger Symbol? You are standing in a bar. An astoundingly beautiful couple stands across from you, and your eyes meet. There’s a little smile. Clearly, they are together. They stand, one touching the hip of the other lightly, both sending you a sexy vibe. Yet this isn’t a swinger bar- this is just a regular cocktail bar. Should you flirt with them? Are they interested? What are the chances that they are actually keen to play with you, and that you haven’t just misunderstood? Will they be offended? Then you notice that little necklace….ahh. Gotcha. Problem solved.
Finally, a discrete clue that swingers and the non-monogamous can look out for. Making the world your playground: the swinger symbol.

Let’s get up close and personal with the minds behind Swinger Symbol:
How did you come up with the swinger symbol concept idea?
We were organizing regular swinger meet and greets without play every two months in Luxembourg which we named Sin Drink. These meetings allow like-minded people to connect with others in real life before considering more and also help grow our local community. Normally they are held in a regular bar and, from time to time, at our local sauna. Here we experienced some issues with newcomers. Even though we communicated a meeting point, many guests didn’t manage to find us. Some just didn’t dare to approach us because they were too shy. Some were not sure if we were the right group.
We tried to find a solution for the community to spot each other easily at our meetings. We decided to first ask them to wear a red bracelet, wristband or cord. Because sometimes we also noticed non-swingers wearing some kind of red bracelet, we decided to create something unique. We did some research to look up if there was a universal symbol for swingers. None convinced us, or they had multiple meanings.
After two months of brainstorming, we developed the swinger symbol “the swing”. We sent out free silicon wristbands with this symbol to our community. Our community loved the concept and pushed us to expand the idea by spreading the symbol globally. So here we are…

Are you swingers?
What is the swing scene like in Luxembourg, where you both are based?
About 10 years ago, the swinger scene in Luxembourg was very small and hidden. Luxembourg is a tiny country and the typical Luxembourger is conservative (or is convinced all Luxembourgers are.) They often fears that a neighbour or friend might discover their secret of being a swinger. There are no swinger clubs in Luxembourg anymore due to legal restrictions. Probably also because of an insufficient number of customers. Most local swingers prefer to visit a swinger club across the border to avoid running into someone familiar.
Since we organize our sin drinks (and BDSM munches) I have the feeling that Luxembourg is opening up more. The local kinky scenes are growing. About 80-100 people are coming each month. Not just from Luxembourg, but also from across the borders of Germany, France and Belgium. Private parties beyond our guests are organized more frequently. People are becoming more relaxed and less worried about what others may think. Luxembourg is one of the most colourful, multi-cultural and diverse countries. We grow up with at least 4 languages and are used to switching languages all the time. What might seem to others like a language jungle has actually helped shape an open society. I think the election of a gay Prime Minister helped a lot too in the last few years.

What made you choose this symbol?
We wanted to create a very simple symbol. Something easy to draw by hand, discreet and non-suggestive but recognizable at the same time. We decided to create an abstract swing that represents the swinging lifestyle. It’s meant to be a connotation. The imaginative association surrounded by the word swing and not a precise literal definition. Even if a sex swing, for example, has its place in the lifestyle too.
Many popular or pre-existing symbols like the upside-down pineapple, pampas grass, black rings and gender symbols have multiple meanings. They can be too suggestive for most people. The Swing is a clean simple shape with its clear signification without looking sexual. Lifestyle people can wear the symbol proudly and reveal themselves as a swinger anywhere without being too exposed to non-swingers at the same time. We also made it simple to allow modifications for more complex design opportunities. Compare it to the simple peace symbol or even the religious cross which exist in multiple creative versions.
How widely is the symbol used around the world? Are there places it is recognised more than others?
The symbol slowly gets recognized around the world. It will take some more time until most swingers know about it. The symbol is known in swinger epicentres like Gran Canaria and Cap d’Agde. We sold the symbol in over 80 countries already.

Which items are the most popular and why?
Black rings are the most popular, because they were already a common symbol to swingers before. Swingers prefer the black ring with the additional swing symbol engraved. It’s because it’s more obvious without wondering if it’s only worn as fashion accessory.
You have an option to customise clothing, and even temporary tattoos that contain the swinger symbol. Is this popular?
We only implemented this feature about a month ago, but people slowly start to appreciate and make use of it. People love to customize their products, because they are unique and personalized. We also customize on demand in case customers need help designing.

What’s your plan for the future?
Our plans for the future are mainly to build partnerships and find shop owners in the lifestyle who are willing to sell the swinger symbol. Since there are only two of us, we need additional support. The website, our online shop and products are all private investments and we don’t plan to make any profit, but only to cover our expenses.
We are also looking for more influencers, podcasters, bloggers and affiliates who would like to earn commissions by promoting the symbol.
We are currently designing new complex pendants with moveable swings (so the swing actually swings) for new necklaces, anklets, earrings, chokers and collars. Soon, we will start a collaboration with a French leather artisan friend who sells BDSM collars and accessories. Our idea is to add a version of the moveable swing to a leather collar for the lifestyle people (like us) who are enjoying both kinks.
Lastly, we also plan to design more precious jewellery in solid gold and with additional stones.

What would your recommendations be to someone interested in starting a business based in the world of swinging?
Whether you intend to blog, start a social media business, create an e-commerce platform, or any other type of online business related to the world of swinging, you will need to analyse, target and build the right audience. To understand the needs of swingers, it is best to be part of this lifestyle and be an active and engaging contributor on swinger dating sites, forums and in person at events and in clubs. You might need to do some research, analyse your competitors, create surveys and dig deeper to find out what products or services could be built or improved. Based on your skills and passions you could programme dating apps, build websites, write educational content or start podcasting. Find something you are good at and be consistent.
Last but not least, in my opinion you should only run a swinger-related business if you are convinced of what you do and not looking to make profit in the first place. If you want to become rich, you should watch for a broader niche, unless you are lucky or have a big initial budget.

Are there other companies that you work with/promote/support?
Yes, we are working with influencers, podcasters, affiliates, swinger dating sites and other shop owners. Nobody should work alone and fear to ask for help.
What do you feel the biggest challenge that swingers currently face is from non-swingers?
I would say prejudices due to a lack of knowledge, understanding or cultural and educational differences. A non-swinger recently commented on one of my posts that swingers destroy marriages. This is the type of misunderstanding that swingers often are confronted with. I think that cheating and lying in relationships are generally more accepted than swinging. Non-swingers are often not aware of how deeply in love swinger couples can be, how honestly and respectfully they treat each other and that most are very selective and don’t just get physical with anybody who comes their way.

What aspects of the swinging world, from your experience, need to be improved?
If there is something that a few people in the lifestyle might need to improve it would be reducing anxiety and building up more self-confidence. Some have fear of being judged (by neighbours, but also other swingers), fear to say no, performance anxieties and many more.
Some club owners need to do more research to know the needs of their audience. Many clubs look cheap, too dark and scary, especially for beginners. They should invest more in the aesthetic and themes of their play rooms. They also should take more time to guide new members, maybe even organize monthly meet and greets to make them feel comfortable.
Does the symbol also get used by swingers who identify as LGBTQ+?
Due to privacy, we don’t have enough insights to this data and don’t know which swingers may also identify as LGBTQ+. In our local community we have LGBTQ+ friends wearing the symbol. We also know of a swinger-friendly gay bar in Gran Canaria who made a statement by displaying the swinger flag.

Are there sub-divisions of the swinger symbol that clarify the type of swinging that one is most interested in?
The swing symbol is meant to be a general lifestyle symbol without indication of any preferences, orientation or preferred types and practices. There are too many possibilities within this amazing lifestyle and it’s nearly impossible to cover them all. In my opinion there is no need to clarify special interests, because once people have show their general interest in the lifestyle with the help of the symbol and found each other, they can easily discuss further to find out what exactly they are into. Furthermore, they may change interests during a lifetime, because people evolve, grow and want to try out new things. Interests sometimes also change during the same day depending on the mood or person you meet. Last but not least, the symbol with a few additional elements is probably not readable.
But people are free to customize the symbol anyway or ask us to help customizing it if they have a clear idea. We know of a hotwife who got a tattoo with the queen of spades and the swing next to each other and another friend got a BDSM triskel with the swing combined as cherry. Any other combination of symbols or text are possible to represent your lifestyle with your personal preferences.

Do you feel the divide between the polyamorous community and the swinger community is a valid one?
Here in Luxembourg I don’t feel the difference as much, because as mentioned above, the country with its non-monogamy group is very small, so we try to stick together and include everybody even if they have different interests. Otherwise I only meet polyamorous people online and sometimes hear that the polyamorous community know as little of the swinger community as monogamous people know of non-monogamous people and vice versa. It’s interesting that both groups rarely include each other, although both are struggling with similar stigma and fighting for acceptance in society. Both are supposed to be open-minded, inclusive groups with sort of similar interests. Both want to help relax the conservative restrains and current perception of sexuality, but they exclude each other. I am not sure if this separation happened by accident or if it’s voluntary.
Are there restrictions to the customised options that people can create?
We don’t support combinations with offensive symbols, but we have not set up any restrictions regarding this. The swing symbol is not a brand and is not trademarked, but licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, which means it can be used, shared, reproduced and modified even for commercial purposes. The only restriction is to keep the signification of the symbol and to only use it to illustrate or represent the swinger lifestyle, the community and related content.

What do you envision for the future of swinging?
I dream of a world where swinging and other consensual non-monogamy relationship types are generally accepted. I dream of sexual freedom and expression, swinging pride (maybe even a swinger parade) and self-confidence with no hiding anymore. But this is just a dream…
Many places around the world have had, or still have, legal restrictions that prevent swinging due to lockdown. How do you see things being affected by this in the future?
I think that most clubs will struggle a lot to survive and some may even have to close permanently, because of the lack of income. Even if they are allowed to open again, they might still struggle because of less visits due to scared members or new restrictions. I hear from friends that Cap d’Agde is reopening slowly except some clubs, but it’s calm and not the same dynamic as previous years. We wanted to go to Cap d’Agde this year too, but we changed our plans and booked a flight to Thailand with the hope of no last-minute cancellation. We prefer to go somewhere with more options without being stuck in swinger resorts with the risk of less action. I guess many people think similarly this year. But how will this affect the lifestyle in the future? I don’t know! I hope everything goes back to normal very soon.

Is it possible to upload the symbol on say, a dating app as a badge? Will there be an emoji for it?
We are planning to submit the symbol to the Unicode database one day in the future. In the meantime, we already thought about creating emoji’s and badges for swinger sites, but we didn’t delve further into the process yet: it’s on our list. Beside this everybody can upload the swinger symbol as profile picture on dating sites or adding it to their pictures with image editors. We offer help in case of need.
If the symbol becomes so popular it is universally recognised (such as the pineapple) will it have to be changed?
Although we try hard to only share the swinger symbol to the right audience, there is always a potential risk that some day the symbol becomes popular and also known by non-swingers. Many swingers don’t want to be outed and want to keep their lifestyle a secret. But there are also those who are proud to be a swinger and don’t care if non-swingers understand the meaning behind their jewellery.
The idea behind the symbol is not to convince people to wear it, but to actually have a universal non-suggestive symbol with only one meaning. LGBTQ+ people have the rainbow, those into BDSM the triskel, that doesn’t mean they are all exposing themselves by wearing it or getting a tattoo done. Some do or only at special occasions, or on vacation, and others daily, even at work. It’s up to each person’s comfort zone. We want to share the idea of a symbol that connects us all, that represents the lifestyle and not just promote products.
In short to respond to your question: No, we are not going to change the symbol if it becomes popular, because we believe in the concept.

Who would the swinger symbol jewellery make a suitable gift for?
Swinger jewelry is a wonderful gift for your partner or a special lifestyle friend. It can be a gift for Valentine’s Day, anniversaries or for any occasion to make someone happy.
Is the jewellery sterling silver/ solid gold? Are there plans to make body jewellery in stainless steel (naval rings, etc)?
We offer different variations of swinger jewellery which are made in various materials from stainless steel to sterling silver. Unfortunately, we don’t offer solid gold yet, but it’s on our list. We are also planning body jewelry in the future.

How does the swinger symbol work, in a nutshell?
Wear The Swing to attract and identify like-minded people worldwide and anywhere! Be sure someone is a swinger without having to ask! Connect with groups of people with the same interest and lifestyle. Create links, relationships and a unity with the Community. Stay true to yourself and be proud of what you are. Show your dark kinky side in public or only in vacation – You decide.
How do your customers normally find you and come to you?
Most customers visit our website due to word of mouth recommendations at events, clubs or on vacation where they met swingers who wear swinger jewellery. Others find us organically on Google when they look up for ways to find or spot swingers. People also find our site on social media, dating sites, forums or blog posts like this one.

Do you have any funny stories about setting up the business or things that have happened since you started selling items with the swinger symbol?
After only a few months of making the swinger symbol public, we noticed people on social media who suddenly were adding the swing symbol as profile picture. This was a very pleasant surprise to us. A few month later we also saw people sharing their real inked swing tattoos. This are statements that confirm how swingers started to accept the symbol. They are our boosters.
Do you have a physical shop?
No, we don’t have a physical shop and are not planning to have one. We might propose other shop owners to display a selection some time soon and we also bring a small quantity of products to events and on vacation in case people are interested to buy something in person.
Can people pay from anywhere in the world and have items shipped?
Yes, people can pay from anywhere in the world and we ship internationally. Due to Covid-19 we experience some shipping delays, that’s why we are currently looking for partners with fulfilment centres abroad to help us ship quicker.
Any final words to say?
Communication is key. Two people can be in the same relationship and yet see it in two different ways with different expectations and boundaries. Relationships are always stronger when you are best friends first, a couple second and a supportive team forever.
Social Media:
“carpemalum” on most swinger dating sites
Instagram: @swingersymbol
Twitter: @swingersymbol
Facebook: @swingersymbol
Pinterest: @swingersymbol

Maybe this new symbol will catch on and stick!
At first glance on the 4th July, I assume it was a pint glass in a circular bar! Is there a division?…. “Do you feel the divide between the polyamorous community and the swinger community is a valid one?”
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