Ever wondered if you could create erotic stories to torment and tease? They say the mind is our most powerful sex organ. Ever wondered if you could learn to tickle this erogenous zone with some tantalising text? Lady M gives us an insight into how to construct and present a sexy text erotica story to mesmerise and seduce your lovers with nothing but an agile finger and saucy mind.

When did you first start erotic writing?
During lockdown. Words just poured out of me, smutty and multisyllabic, desperate for life outside my brain. I think the deprivation of human interaction made me unconsciously double down in my internal fantasy narrative: Like an ever-running in the background porn movie, it all of a sudden got louder and louder as if to say “Over here, I can help.”
So, I started to sharing stories with a group of girlfriends over WhatsApp – sometimes reading them out loud, other times sending them in writing, often in little snippets to build suspense and sometimes with specific instructions for the reader. It was hot.

Where do you get your erotic story ideas from?
From personal experience and desire, as well as from stories from friends – and often from books. I think that conveying sensuality through writing and layering texture through language engages our brain so much more than video imagery as it directly weaves into that internal (end eternal!) filthy video in our brains and translates into feelings we understand.
What sort of content is your erotic writing usually about?
It’s usually about unexpected/non-relationship based encounters from a first person perspective and usually based on something that’s happened to me – it’s always nice to share your experiences with friends 😉
But usually there is normalcy that segues into an imperceptibly darker context with a confident seduction technique being deployed – and bam, you are being pushed up against a wall in a dark corner of a bar with a gorgeous woman’s hand up your skirt, her mouth on yours whilst you scream an arpeggio of an orgasm, a blues band sighing in the background.
…and bam, you are being pushed up against a wall in a dark corner of a bar with a gorgeous woman’s hand up your skirt
Lady M, on writing erotic stories

I think the confident seduction with blissful surrender to pleasure is something that resonates so much – we all want to be confident in our “come to bed” moves and fantasy allows exploration of that without any fear of rejection/embarrassment/awkwardness before we rock out the moves in reality.
Is there a good way to lead up to a personalised erotic story and make them excited to read it?
Haha. I normally start with “Girls, I had a dream last night…”
Then wait a bit until they are asking for details, drip feeding, teasing out the details, never touching the central narrative until you have a wave-like rhythm, hit the hottest parts of the story with instructions for the reader and the denouement.
What sort of feedback have you had from people about your erotic stories?
Lovely feedback – some people share it with their lovers and send me back their embellishments.
How long is each erotic story usually?
It’s usually one scene/ encounter and the build up to it.
Have you ever thought of writing your erotic stories professionally?
Sometimes but I’m not sure I would have the discipline to not just write and wank all day – although that does sound like Sacred Work.
What sort of erotica and erotic stories do you like to read, and where do you get your inspirations from?
Anything sensual, with feminine energy at its core. And anything with elaborate narrative as it makes my mind soar, my mouth water and my clit swoop 😉

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